Professor Jaideep Prabhu

Professor of Marketing at Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), University of Cambridge

Professor of Marketing, Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise, and Director, Cambridge Centre for India and Global Business, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Associate Fellow, Centre for Science and Policy

Jaideep Prabhu is Professor of Marketing and Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. His research interests include innovation, marketing, international business, strategy, policy and development. He particularly focuses on frugal innovation in large and small firms in developed and emerging economies. He is also interested in frugal innovation in the public sector and how governments should cultivate and regulate new technologies in the economy.

He has a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Southern California and a BTech from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He has published in leading academic journals and his work has been profiled by the BBC, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Economist, The Financial Times, Le Monde, The New York Times, and The Times.

He is the co-author of Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth, described by The Economist as “the most comprehensive book yet” on the subject of frugal innovation. His 2015 book Frugal Innovation: How to do Better with Less with Navi Radjou won the CMI’s Management Book of the Year Award 2016. His most recent book How Should a Government Be: The New Levers of State Power was published in February 2021. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2023.

Jaideep writes about his experience as a CSaP Associate Fellow, and in particular about meeting visiting Policy Fellows, here.

  • In news articles

    How Should a Government Be? The New Levers of State Power

    Last month, the Centre for Science and Policy hosted an online event to celebrate the launch of How Should a Government Be? The New Levers of State Power, the new book by Professor Jaideep Prabhu - Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business & Enterprise at Cambridge Judge Business School, and an Associate Fellow of CSaP.

  • In news articles

    CSaP Annual Reception 2017: From artificial brains to academic silos

    CSaP's 2017 annual reception saw Deborah Bronnert from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and Professor Jaideep Prabhu from Cambridge Judge Business School, speak about the impact their CSaP connections had had on their work.