Philip Guildford

Director of Strategy & Operations at Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge

Director for Strategy and Operations, Centre for Science and Policy

Philip Guildford was appointed to his role in the Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) in 2023, where he leads on developing the Centre’s strategy, planning and delivery to multiply its already considerable impact. He helped advise CSaP from its inception, while Director of Research and then Chief Operating Officer in the University’s Department of Engineering during the previous 20 years.

Prior to these University roles, Philip enjoyed an extensive career in industrial R&D, sustainable energy, and strategy consulting. This included: research, product development, design and troubleshooting manufacturing processes at Redland Technology and ICI Nobel Explosives; industry energy efficiency and renewables programmes for the EC and UK government at AEA Technology; strategy, business and environmental consulting across many sectors including energy, water, automotive, media and telecoms at PA Consulting and Analysys.

In parallel with his University career, Philip undertook a wide range of strategy consulting assignments in IT, aerospace, construction and government together with teaching on masters courses. Philip’s career was founded on a Natural Sciences degree from the University of Cambridge.



  • 18 June 2024, 9:30am

    2024 CSaP Annual Conference

    The Royal Society played host to a successful Annual Conference, where experts from academia, policy, and civil society and others from CSaP's network gathered to explore the future of science and technology in the UK.

  • 18 January 2024, 5:30pm

    2024 Christ's Climate Lecture: On nature, biodiversity and climate - Sir Patrick Vallance

    The 2024 Christ's College Climate lecture was given by Sir Patrick Vallance, Chair of The Natural History Museum, and former Chief Scientific Adviser. His lecture explores the inextricably linked challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change.