Professor Brendan Burchell

Professor at Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge


Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge

Professor Brendan Burchell’s recent research projects have included: the psychological consequences of unemployment, redundancy, work intensification and job insecurity; predictors and correlates of the transition into self-employment; managers' and employees' different perspectives on jobs, skills and opportunities; part-time work and gender differences in working conditions and careers; pay satisfaction; telework; geographically distributed work teams; new statistical methods for analysing work histories.

Prior to his current role Professor Burchell worked in a variety of academic roles and settings. He achieved his PhD in Social Psychology from Warwick University. He joined the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Cambridge in 1985, to assist in a project entitled the Social Change and Economic Life Initiative, working collaboratively with economists, social psychologists and sociologists on a variety of aspects of labour markets and their effects on individuals. He later moved to the Department of Sociology, where he specialises in the teaching of data analysis. He was promoted to Reader in 2013.

His current research interests include

  • The 4 day week
  • Effects of labour market experiences on psychological well-being
  • Social psychological effects of precarious employment and unemployment
  • Analysis of complex work and life histories data
  • Gender segregation, men’s and women’s life cycles and careers
  • Emotional reactions to personal finances: “Financial Phobia”