Professor John Miles

Research Professor in Transitional Energy Strategies at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Research Professor in Transitional Energy Strategies, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

John Miles holds the newly created University of Cambridge energy research post which is co-sponsored by Arup and the Royal Academy of Engineering. The creation of this position reflects the growing interest in how society can build toward a lower carbon future while supporting sustainable economic growth.

Prior to this role John Miles was Director of Arup, where he was responsible for Arup’s worldwide activities in the Energy, Resources and Industry Markets. He was also responsible for business development strategy, client care, and capability development for all of the firm's interests in the areas of energy, water, waste, mining and industry.

  • 29 June 2017

    2017 CSaP Annual Conference: How does academia contribute to the work of government?

    Our 2017 annual conference will bring together members of our extensive network to discuss some of the opportunities for policy makers at both local and national levels to draw on academic expertise in support of more effective policy making.

  • 22 February 2017

    Future of mobility

    The Government Office for Science, is undertaking a Foresight Project on the Future of Mobility. This project will bring together cutting-edge academic research, industry expertise and policy making to consider the future transport landscape. The project will work with policy makers to consider what this evidence base means for policy development in this area. Further to this, by assessing and prioritising key trends in mobility, a set of future scenarios wil be developed and their consequences analysed. Among other themes, the project will examine the social and demographic drivers changing the future transport landscape.