The Cabinet Office

The Cabinet Office is the corporate headquarters for government, in partnership with HM Treasury, and we take the lead in certain critical policy areas including the reform and efficiency of public services, supporting the growth of civil society and co-ordinating National Security issues.

We support the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, and ensure the effective running of government. You can read more about the work of the department at


Shachi Amdekar

Senior Policy Advisor on Economic Resilience

Ted Barry

Senior Policy Advisor

Alex Bartram

Principal Private Secretary to the Civil Service Chief Operating Officer and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary

Simon Baugh

Chief Executive, Government Communications Service

Nigel Campbell

Former Chief Analyst, Implementation Unit

Rosalind Campion

Former Director of EU Exit Implementation

Alex Chisholm

Former Chief Operating Officer for the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary

Dr Rachel Cooper

Strategy Director, Cabinet Office

Mr David Cotterill

Deputy Director, Strategic Change

Natalia Domagala

Former Head of Data Ethics

Pamela Dow

Director, Strategy and Reform Unit

Joseph Gonçalves Metcalf

Senior Policy Adviser

Robert Harrison

lately Director General, Russia/Ukraine

Lorna Horton

Deputy Director, Retained EU Law, Strategy and Legislation

Srishti Krishnamoorthy-Cavell

Head of Cyber Capabilities

Charlotte Kume-Holland

Head of Major Projects

Cat Little

Chief Operating Officer for the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary

Will Lord

Senior Policy Advisor, Levelling Up Task Force

Gaia Marcus

Former Head of Engagement - Civil Service Reform

Jonny Matthews

Head of Editorial Team

Fraser McArthur

Head of Incident Management

Ewen McKinnon

Head of Cross-Cutting Research and Employee Wellbeing

Alexandra Meagher

Former Policy Advisor, Social Investment and Finance Team

Alexandra Meagher: Case study

Senior Policy Advisor, Social Investment and Finance Team

Hannah Rignell

Deputy Director, Equality Hub

Hannah Rignell: Case study

Head of Community Action, Government Innovation Group, Cabinet Office

Simon Sharpe

Policy lead for COP 26

Philip Sinclair

Former Consultant

Alwyn Spencer

Deputy Director

Dame Barbara Stocking

Non-Executive Director

Dr Simon Strickland

Senior Adviser on Strategy, International Economic Unit

Alex Tasker

ESRC Policy Fellow